lesson of the day

gav on 2002-03-26T22:55:15

It doesn't matter how nice those PDFs you've created are if

  • they don't translate well into a webpage
  • they would require funky javascript that isn't necessary, will probably be confusing, and will probably not work anyway
  • I can't create your test page from your data

    /me contemplates death

    p.s. does anyone read this? I hope somebody does or it's a wasted effort isn't it? :)

    I read it!

    exeunt on 2002-03-26T23:52:48

    Do I count?


    TorgoX on 2002-03-27T04:41:39

    PDF is feeble. Adobe was managing a semblence of competence for a while, until they tried to turn PDF into crack-head DHTML. PDF and Flash are in a race to the bottom, to get to be the Worst Case Scenario for the Web.


    gav on 2002-03-27T14:19:15

    I have a deep hatred for flash, mainly as it is used for eye candy to cover up glaring design deficiencies.

    PDF's existance I can forgive, for one reason only. If I am going to print something (reading long PDFs causines my brain to melt) it seems to work quite nicely.


    TorgoX on 2002-03-27T22:51:12

    if I am going to print... [PDF] seems to work quite nicely.

    ...unless it's a PDF produced by someone who didn't read RFC 2346


    TorgoX on 2002-03-27T04:43:42

    BTW, I know you're talking about the Web design process and not PDF as a format -- but I never turn up an opportunity to mock Adobe.