scrolling in screen

gav on 2004-12-07T17:39:43

I'm a big fan of screen, but something happened from version 3.09.11 (RH 7.3) to version 4.00.02 (FC3) that stopped putty being able to scroll the window. After some poking I found that adding:

termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@

To my .screenrc fixes the problem.

You rock!

Mr. Muskrat on 2004-12-10T16:19:09

I've customized my .screenrc considerably but I've never been able to figure out how to do this. Thanks so much for saving me countless hours trying to find out where I went wrong.


Aristotle on 2004-12-18T20:10:07

What exactly do you mean by “stopped putty being able to scroll”?


BadDolphin on 2006-09-01T04:48:48

By default, putty only allows you to scroll back the most recent 200 lines; you can change the setting, but you have to change it everytime you use putty. It's a minor problem, but if you use putty frequently, it's a major annoyance.

Years have passed since the above info was posted; I believe this once worked, but it certainly doesn't work with the latest version of putty (which no longer even gives a version number).

I found this while googling around for a solution, and it seems that this is back to being a truly unresolved problem. If anyone has a solution, I'd love to hear it!


Aristotle on 2006-09-01T09:52:43

Go to the Session pane, click Default settings once, then click Save. This has worked for as long as I’ve known about putty.