iBook vs Floor

gav on 2004-09-03T01:51:23

My iBook took a 4 foot plunge from the counter to the floor with the screen open. The battery fell out and the end of the power connector got a bit bent but everything seems fine. Considering the amount of damage this poor iBook has taken, it's a testament to Apple's good engineering.

Get it looked at.

schwern on 2004-09-03T03:29:32

Just before OSCON mine took a plunge off the couch right onto the power connector. It, too, seemed ok with the power connector just a little bent out of shape. About a week later the logic board failed. The logic board had failed twice before, so this may have be a coincidence but when the Knowledgable Guy at CMU Repair saw the state of my plug he hypothesized that it might cause some power flucuations and fry the logic board. When I sent it back to Apple they replaced both the power and logic boards. Its worth getting it checked out.

Re:Get it looked at.

gav on 2004-09-09T17:28:19

The problem is that I don't have AppleCare so I don't have a better option than just crossing my fingers and hoping it doesn't go wrong. It's been a week now so I'm hoping it's ok...