I got SUSE 9.1 installed without too many hassles. I've been pretty impressed with things so far, YAST is easy to use (and also has a ncurses interface, I don't have X installed). I did a "minimal" install, which didn't install gcc, make, or screen which is pretty odd. There's a few differences from RedHat, for example I couldn't work out where /etc/hostname went to, it's /etc/HOSTNAME under SUSE.
One thing that is impressive is the printed documentation. There's a 500+ page Administration Guide and a 400+ page User Guide. The User Guide isn't so useful to me, but the Administration Guide is excellent. SUSE would make an great choice of a first distro if you're new to Linux.
I installed the latest version of rsync and was pleased to see that SSH is now the default. No more having to type -e ssh!