gav on 2004-06-19T20:50:08

I'm enjoying a hangover in Buffalo airport while I wait for my flight. They have wireless here for $6.95 which is making the wait bearable.

YAPC was great, it's nice to hang out with a bunch of great people, drink lots of beer, eat lots of wings (I never want to have wings again), sleep too little, and go to some great talks. Some highlights (in chronological order) were Pierre talking about hiring at Fotango, Andy and Bill talking about how to get a great job; Perrin's talk about caching and queueing for dynamic websites, James talking about "Enterprise Perl", and Geoffrey's Apache talks.

Of course the actual talks are only a small part of the YAPC experience, the chats in the corridor, over lunch, in the bar, etc are the real advantage of going. I've got a few new ideas to put into motion and I feel energized about other directions.

See you all next year!