Snake in the Eagle's Shadow

gav on 2004-03-14T03:13:03

Tonight I watched Jackie Chan in "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow". It's a very over-the-top Hong Kong kung fu flick in the tradition of "my kung fu is stronger than your kung fu". The Eagle Claw style pitted against the Snake Fist. Jackie plays a poor ophan living at a kung fu school where he's treated as a human punch bag, Siu Tien Yuen is the last living practitioner of Snake Fist who teaches Jackie. After seeing his cat defeat a snake, Jackie combines Snake Fist with Cat's Claw (complete with hilarious facial expressions and overdubbed cat noises) to be able to defeat the evil Eagle Claw master in the final showdown.

It's a classic Jackie Chan film, great fun not to be taken too seriously. It was a bit of deja-vu for me as it's more or less identical to to the "Drunken Master" (one of my favorite Jackie Chan films). They both have the same cast and story.