I've seen "Top 10 Reasons to Not Shop On Line" by Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini linked to from quite a few places. I think he's full of crap. Not that I'm defending poor e-commerce companies, there are a lot out there that suck.
I started writing an explanation of why he's wrong, but after reading through my notes I find that I can simplify it to one bullet point:
Wow. That was a pretty awful article. Many of those items apply to meatspace shopping, too (bad promotions and insufficient information). Sheesh.
In descending order of importantce, here's my top ten list of why you shouldn't shop online.
Except for an oblique and confused reference, Tog missed the boat on security.
Re:Ogg Say Tog Write Bad Crap
gav on 2004-02-17T18:17:05
Security is one of my least concerns about shopping online. I don't think that it's any less secure to shop online than off.
So why can’t I input my credit card number the way it appears on the card? Why do I have to suck the extra spaces out, making it all but impossible to re-scan it for errors? We’re talking three spaces here, three bytes. We’re talking a loop to scan for those characters that can be accomplished in couple of microseconds.
$cc =~ s/\D+//g;
?If you go into a bricks and mortar store, you have at least three sources of information: [...] 4. Bonus: An 800 number printed on the box, accessible on the spot with a cell phone.
American Express is apparently unaware that e-commerce is done with a computer, not a phone.