This little script will send you an email with the expiry dates for a list of domains. It's a nice thing to run as a cronjob once a month or so.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Net::Domain::ExpireDate; use Time::Piece; use Mail::Sendmail; use Getopt::Long; $|++; GetOptions(debug => \my $debug); my %domain; while () { chomp; my $date = expire_date($_) or die "Can't get expiry date for '$_'"; $debug and printf "%s expires on %s\n", $_, $date; $domain{$date->epoch} = $_; } my $msg = "Expiry dates for all hosted domains\n\n"; foreach my $date (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %domain) { $msg .= sprintf "%s: %s\n", Time::Piece->new($date)->strftime("%d %b %Y"), $domain{$date}; } sendmail( To => '', From => '', Subject => 'Domain expiry report', Message => $msg ) or die "Unable to send mail: $Mail::Sendmail::error"; exit; __DATA__ # domains go here, one per line