new plastic!

gav on 2003-09-22T22:13:18

Regular readers will know that I have been battling a lack of credit history as I've only been in the US a little over two years. The nice people at Bank of America have given me a new card with a $1500 limit (and 0% APR until April next year) which is nearly four times the limit of my next highest card. I am so happy, I can't wait for it to come so I can do some damage :)

A bit of advice

jordan on 2003-09-23T01:45:34

I know this isn't the damage you had in mind, but if you REALLY want to stick it to the card companies, and the terms allow it, you should transfer as much as you can to that 0% card and pay that balance off before April.

THEN, you'll suddenly find you have a great deal more credit, more offers of credit will be coming and you'll be able to do some REAL DAMAGE! :-)

Re:A bit of advice

vsergu on 2003-09-23T15:16:03

Also, be very careful to read the fine print on offers. I nearly transferred a balance to a card with an intro 0% rate recently. The problem was the intro rate was only for transfers, not purchases, and was contingent on my making $100 of purchases per month.

Since payments go against the lowest-rate part of the balance first, I'd have been accumulating $100 of non-0% debt every month and making no payments on it until the 0% debt was completely paid off.

PayPal me!

KM on 2003-09-23T02:16:07

I think you should PayPal me some money to practice using your new card.