Regular readers will know that I have been battling a lack of credit history as I've only been in the US a little over two years. The nice people at Bank of America have given me a new card with a $1500 limit (and 0% APR until April next year) which is nearly four times the limit of my next highest card. I am so happy, I can't wait for it to come so I can do some damage :)
THEN, you'll suddenly find you have a great deal more credit, more offers of credit will be coming and you'll be able to do some REAL DAMAGE!
Re:A bit of advice
vsergu on 2003-09-23T15:16:03
Also, be very careful to read the fine print on offers. I nearly transferred a balance to a card with an intro 0% rate recently. The problem was the intro rate was only for transfers, not purchases, and was contingent on my making $100 of purchases per month.
Since payments go against the lowest-rate part of the balance first, I'd have been accumulating $100 of non-0% debt every month and making no payments on it until the 0% debt was completely paid off.