formac lcd

gav on 2003-08-07T23:34:59

Has anyone seen anything about the Formac Gallery 1900? It's a nice looking 19" screen at a sensible 1,280 by 1,024. For only $799 it would make working with my 12" iBook at home much more pleasant.

Hmm, but would it work?

pjm on 2003-08-08T03:03:08

From the "Specs" page.
System Requirements

Power Mac G4, G5 or Power Mac G4 Cube with ADC or with DVI interface // Graphic board must support 1,280 by 1,024 resolution

I don't think your iBook fits the bill here. Looks like it requires DVI out. If someone knows otherwise I hope they'll slap me down.

Re:Hmm, but would it work?

gav on 2003-08-08T03:40:52

Ouch that sucks. I was assuming that I could get something that plugged into the mini-VGA port. I guess I could always get a VGA->DVI connector but I'm not sure that the quality would be that great.

Dammit. I really wanted something better than my old 17" CRT to use at home.