driving test

gav on 2003-07-18T00:29:58

Tonight I'm mostly stressing as first thing tommorow I have my driving test (so I can have a proper VT licence*). It's not that I'm worried that I can't drive, I've had 7 years experiance on three continents, I'm worried that I might fail because of something stupid and then I'll be really annoyed with myself.

* That's quite a scary thing too, I'll finally have state ID and feel like I've properly moved over here rather than just visiting.


chaoticset on 2003-07-18T02:37:35

...spell it 'licence' and they're likely to notice you're a furriner. The gummint is suspicious of suspicious furriners, and all furriners are suspicious.

Better to just make sure they know better. "I'm here to take the exam for my license. That's liCENSE, with an SE on the end, not like a filthy furriner." Say that, and they're sure to smile and accept you as one of their own.