Through the power of CGI::Kwiki and an idea I had a while back I've set up a wiki where you can add your favorite modules.
It's looking a bit sparse but I'm hungry and need pizza to function.
CPAN should be a true bazaar.
However, it does lead to umpteen different templating systems and... well, you know...
If there were reliable places on the net where people could post comments about what's good, what's bad, what's interesting and what definitely needs to be avoided, that would be a VERY GOOD THING ™, IMO. A Wiki is ideal in that it allows a lot of give and take rather than just one person's module list (there are already a lot of those out there if you look for them).
Thanks! Looking forward to checking it out and possibly participating in some way.
Shiny! One thing that did confuse me was the different colour links to indicate that the linked-to node doesn't exist yet. Is this a Kwiki thing or was it your idea? Can you change it? “Different colours on link texts” is somehow hard-coded into my brain to mean “visited” or “not-visited”.
gav on 2003-07-09T13:14:08
It's a Kwiki thing, done in CSS. I've set all links to be the same color now, let me know if it's an improvement.
The only change I made to Kwiki was a quick hack to allow underscores in page names.