The client made me do it

gav on 2003-05-16T20:24:45

I've implemented a lot of dumb things because the client demanded it, but this change a co-worker did today takes the biscuit. In a web app we're working on there's a small popup window which you can upload a file. It it has a file upload browse button and a "Send File" button.

Firstly the client was stressed that you couldn't change the "Browse..." button to an image and then she didn't like the fact that the "Send File" button was two pixels higher than the "Browse.." button so she had my co-worker take a screen grab and shrink the button by two pixels and use that image instead of a button. Obviously it looks fine in Internet Explorer for the PC (the only browser the client cares about) but it looks funky on Mozilla or on my Mac.

Sometimes it amazes me how little advice people are willing to take from the people they are paying for it.