Since the motherboard on my PC died a few weeks ago, I have been using my ibook exclusively. I've had the thing nearly a year, but this is the first time I have really used it a lot. I've ripped my important cds in iTunes, played around with iPhoto, and marvelled at the wonders of Interface Builder and Project Builder.
To continue on my quest to write more perl, I have been playing around CamelBones for a while. Using the amazing IB, I have built a OS X program to write use.perl; journal entries through the SOAP interface. Nothing ground breaking, but I was quite amazed at how simple the GUI stuff was. I am quite impressed at how easy it seems to be to write these applications with Cocoa (and now perl), by just dragging the elements where you want them, and connecting the interface to the classes. Plus you still get all the extra Cocoa stuff, like spell checking, for free when using CamelBones.