Cocoa For Cheapskates

garth on 2002-03-21T23:21:30

I wrote my first Cocoa program last night. I needed a timer for when I am cooking, so instead of doing the simple thing and buying an egg timer, I decided to try and make a countdown timer program on my iBook.

It was suprisingly easy, the only difficult bit was trying to figure out how to set fonts in the text fields. If you actually knew what you were doing, it probably could have been done in twenty minutes. I think I will try to add some preferences and extra stuff tonight, then release it to the world, because I am sure there must be millions of people out there who need a Cocoa countdown timer :-)

Not much progress in the land of perl for the last week or so. I added support for multiple symbols to the module, so it produces graphs showing the percentage gain/loss over a period of time. Thats about the last of the functionality I want to add, so I think it might be time to apply for a CPAN id, finish the documentation, and see about adding a few more tests.