TPC, projects ...

garron on 2001-07-03T05:52:22

gnat, somehow, talked me into doing his XML tutorial for him. He told me it would be good for me, or something along those lines.

The Wordnet 1.7-compliant Lingua::Wordnet is finished, and being tested a bit before making it to CPAN. It will arrive this week.

The Linguana web site is also supposed to launch sometime this week, but I suspect it will take until at least next week. I haven't yet decided whether hosting this project is me shooting myself in the foot. It will be a very cool OS project, nonetheless. If you have any interest in NLP and large lexicons, I recommend attending my Linguana/Disambiguation presentations at TPC. I'm very excited about it, and am eager to find contributors. This is a project accessable by programmers and non-programmers alike.

The other site that I hoped would be up by now is the "Voices of Extremity" net-opinion mining survey, which will also be done in time for the Linguana project. This is the "What Languages Suck" o-meter, but implemented as "What Sucks". It regularly ranks the most oft-insulted topics on the net, as well as the most liked. Something of a followup to my Lingua::LinkParser TPJ article, taking into account such factors as "apostrophal smoothing" to lend highly useful reliability factors into the data samples. It rocks.