wish list

gabor on 2008-12-21T05:11:34

Here is my wish list for

  1. Be able to type in for, foreach, while, etc. or even $_ or $a and get a link to a good explanation.

    For this the X<> tags, added in 5.10, need to be indexed.

  2. Have localized version of the site.

    Eg. (future link) should have the same thing just with the French documentation based on POD2::FR and (future link) should have the Italian version based on POD2::IT, with each site linking to the other translation sites.

  3. Get access to the source code of so I can reuse it and/or implement some of the above myself.

Re: wish list

davorg on 2008-12-21T10:44:42

More people need to know about

[OT] Pod::POM::Web

ChrisDolan on 2008-12-21T20:02:03

I use Pod::POM::Web instead. The advantages: 1) it works offline, 2) it only indexes the modules I have installed, 3) it's fast, 4) it's quite hackable.