CPAN smoking on HP machines

gabor on 2007-05-31T22:27:01

After it was mentioned in a recent thread on the perl-qa list I checked out the HP Testdrive.

It offers access to many different Operating System running on HP hardware.

Has anyone here tried to run Perl or CPAN smoke tests on those machines?

BinGOs has just written about how to setup smoke testing so if time permits I am going to try to set that up. Anyone interested to join forces to set it up?

As a starter HP allows only inbound ftp and telnet to those servers. Nothing goes out. No http. No smtp. No rsync.

I can upload a mirror of (mini)CPAN but the reports cannot be sent directly.

Can the reports be saved in files (e.g. 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt,...)?

If that can be solved then I could pull them by ftp to another machine where I could inject them in the regular postal system.

Test::Reporter hackery perhaps.

BinGOs on 2007-06-01T03:15:58

One could have some sort of bogus SMTP server running that would save the reports to file. Then another script to ftp them off and dispatch.

You can always hack Test::Reporter to use a non-standard SMTP port

Re:Test::Reporter hackery perhaps.

gabor on 2007-06-01T04:38:45

Oh so is Test::Reporter the one that actually sends out the reports when using YACSmoke ?

thanks for the direction

Re:Test::Reporter hackery perhaps.

BinGOs on 2007-06-01T09:03:38

Yeah, CPAN::YACSmoke is basically a control wrapper for CPANPLUS, which in turn uses Test::Reporter to actually send the test reports.

Test::Reporter uses Net::SMTP by default, or Mail::Send if it finds it installed. You can force Test::Reporter to totally ignore Mail::Send by changing a line in it's source file:




CPANPLUS can be made to pass a specific mail relay to Test::Reporter to use with the cpantest_mx config option.