Perl n LinkedIn country wise

gabor on 2004-12-04T20:08:25

About two weeks ago I posted some statistics people using LinkedIn and mentioning some programming language in their profile.

Today I was interested how many Perl people in various countries can I reach using LinkedIn.

First of all the total grew from 2537 two weeks ago to 2663 today. That's about 5% more.

The statistics by country:

USA:          ?? probably around 1800
Australia:    21
Austria:       4
Belgium:      18
Canada:       97
China:         6
Denmark:      42
Finland:      65
France:       56
Germany:      34
Hungary:       5
India:        22
Ireland:      12
Israel:       65
Italy:        31
Japan:        21
Netherlands:  37
Portugal:      8
Russian Fed.: 36
Spain:        10
UK:          120

TOTAL:      2663

Number of people reachable by me and having Perl in their profile.