your favorite CPAN modules

gabor on 2004-09-01T14:57:09

I wonder if having a central database of my favorite modules or modules I use would be of any use? If used by enough people it could give some statistics on how widespread the use of a certain module. If cross referenced with CPANRATINGS it could be used to generate some improved statistics.

Of course I know that this can be of any interest only if there is a large number of people who actively maintain the list of the modules they use. So what could be a reason to do so ? Maybe a personalized alert when a new version of one of those modules comes out ? A web forum specialized on that module ?

Any thougths ?

use CPAN?

jplindstrom on 2004-09-01T20:17:30

You could perhaps start by looking at the source of all CPAN modules? And maybe a nice dependency graph with GraphViz, that would probably be interesting.

Actually... when I write this I vaguely remember having seen something like that...


Web forum attached to specific module

davebaker on 2004-09-01T21:20:39

I think a Web forum attached to specific module -- or just a dedicated page per module with a list of comments people could add -- would be super.

Seems like there should be some way to create a little community around each of the modules.