These are Perl 6 project ideas that I've been working on:
- Develop kp6-C (started)
- Develop kp6-Parrot, writing new PMCs as-needed
- Finish kp6 closure and coroutine implementation (perl5 backend)
- Implement a lazy Array PMC (is this SoC'able?); coordinate with particle++ work on generators
- Find out how to implement lazy Arrays for pugs; maybe learn some Haskell
- Fix Pugs::Compiler::Rule to current specifications
- Make (or kp6?) use the Perl6-STD grammar
- Finish Pugs::Compiler::Rule p5-regex backend, using the new features implemented by dmq++
- Merge some of kp6 ideas to; this would help making feature-complete
- Help putter++ with pluggable