more v6

fglock on 2006-06-25T03:39:38

I'm preparing for release with next version of Pugs. I'm taking care this time, so that people don't think it's a complete implementation - it's not at all.

There are quite a few problems ahead: - the compiler is currently slow to load - this is fixable, but it takes some work.

- integrating P6 syntax in Pugs::Compiler::Rule will create a circular dependency with

- v6 needs support for multis (multisub, multimethod), types, advanced OO (the plan is to use Stevan's, coroutines, and all the P6 goodies that are not native to P5. is mostly about syntax - all the semantics must be provided by external modules.

About the old 'lrep' script - I think I'll rewrite it as a thin wrapper, just because I find it a cool name.