Larry, a wizard of wizards

ferreira on 2006-08-16T18:09:12

Steve Yegge[1] just wrote a fictional essay about wizard schools, institutions meant for breeding the best of software developers in a Hogwarts-like fashion.

Steve filled the story with anedoctal details to make it more dense and credible. When the time came to mention one of the professors of such schools, I thought he could not help but entitling Larry Wall as the Albus Dumbledore of this world. Even though Perl is not among Steve's favourite languages, the figure of Larry probably imposed himself upon the writer -- who else would better fit such a role? Hail to the Perl author and his most distinghished and renowned wisdom.

[1] I first read Steve's blog after "Kingdom of Nouns" mentioned by Ovid and others here at use.perl