Error messages

exeunt on 2002-07-24T16:16:39

We just had one of our "3GL" text based systems outsourced to another company to make into a GUI. We just got one of our first bug reports on the new system. The client had this as the error message: "How the fuck did you get here?" It appears some programer thought it impossible to get this error message. It probably is along the same lines as this.

Too funny

djberg96 on 2002-07-24T16:32:42

I was maintaining a Tk app for a while here. At one point I discovered that it was possible for a particular error condition to arise. Normally, the error was about one sentence long. However, the author actually checked the uid when this error occurred. For one particularly annoying user, he had created a page-long explanation that would pop up on her screen. I guess she had been bugging him about it a lot or something. :)