This journal made me think of typos in code, and then to reflect on werid variable names I've used.
Some are obvious, like $foo, $bar, $blah, $temp, $tmp.
Some of my favorites:
%HugeAssHash (later renamed to %hah)
&kludge(), &bugfix(), (the list could go on)
Anybody else have some to add to this list?
Updated: Forgot to enable comments, I think that should be a prefernce somewhere to always have it on, unless I am missing it.
Re:Nothing to add
jdavidb on 2002-03-18T22:32:22
I never name anything with anything but a meaningful name, anymore. Even a list index. If I can't say what the thing is I'm writing code about, how can I write correct code for it?
That sounds silly, but it's the case. If I spend ten minutes figuring out what to name the list index, I may save thirty minutes later when the code has grown more complex.
Of course, I rarely use an index in Perl; I use foreach. But I apply the same principle everywhere I can.
Re:Nothing to add
exeunt on 2002-03-18T23:49:10
Oh, I understand all that now, and the &kludge was when I was a beginer, and the %HugeAssHash was more of a joke with my co-workers, in a throw away script.
Of course, there is the other end of this spectrum, where you have &getPageAndParseItThenSaveIt(); function names, which do not really lend them selves to saving time. I've never been that verbose, but have seen it in other people's code.