Looking for Eric Rybski for Net::AMQP takeover

ewaters on 2009-07-15T21:14:12

Hello! As per the 04pause.html document, I am attempting to locate Eric Rybski so that I may ask him to relinquish the registered namespace Net::AMQP and allow me to register and publish that module.

I've sent an email to his CPAN registered email and have not received a response.


I'll be queueing for it

slanning on 2009-07-15T22:47:52

I was just looking at that the other day. There's also Net::Stomp, which I think is a similar idea, but it might be nice to use a RabbitMQ client instead. (There's some STOMP-RabbitMQ gateway, though.) A colleague mentioned that there is a python version that could be stolen from.

(I don't really know what I'm talking about. But messaging queues seem to be a generally useful idea/pattern. I've had them in the back of my mind for a while now, since I think they'd fit Bricolage well, and recently at work we've been implementing some kind of ad hoc message queues (or cross-database proxies, maybe - for whatever reason, replication/federation don't work).)


Arador on 2009-07-15T22:49:55

I also noted the lack of a AMQP library for perl, and was also planning to jump in that hole when I have the time (not very soon probably).

Good to hear someone is solving this issue :-).