Something rotten in the kingdom of MLDBM

ethan on 2002-11-15T09:42:55

I added something to my blogger I picked up from brian d foy's journal: Namely the ability to get all new journal entries in one go. I mean, how hard can that be? So I just thought I'd use MLDBM to store the entries as returned by the SOAP-call under their ID:

my $db = "$ENV{HOME}/.up/recent"; return if ! -e $db; tie %RECENT, "MLDBM", $db, O_RDWR if ! tied %RECENT; my @entries;

while () { my $id = $RECENT{next_entry}; my $ret = $S->get_entry($id); last if ! $ret; last if _had_error($ret) or ! (my $entry = $ret->result); _preprocess($entry->{body}); push @entries, { id => $id, subject => $entry->{subject}, nick => $entry->{nickname}, }; $RECENT{$id} = $entry; $RECENT{next_entry} = $id + 1; } return \@entries;

I have another little script that just resets the tied hash to its start id. That's because I need to test it often and I must be able to re-run it as often as like.

Odd is: Sometimes I am able to dump the tied hash using Data::Dumper but sometimes the output is basically empty (save for the 'next_entry' key). Yet, the records can be retrieved from this seemingly empty hash. It doesn't seem to be possible either to clear the tied hash using %hash = ()....or at least not all the time.

I am really sick of these inconsistencies so I'll probably drop MLDBM altogether. Instead I'll either use Storable::freeze()/dump() to serialize each entry in its own file or use some the kind of spool format used by news-servers.

The above code had many other side-effects. _preprocess() behaved oddly. It's a function where I change $_[0] in place, like replacing some tags and also piping it through html2text. This also works half of the time even though it used to work before. Now I occasionally accumulate some zombies through IPC::Open2, non-breaking whitespaces disappear and so on and so forth. I have no idea why my code turned into this kind of poltergeist.