Right now I am pretty badly hit by the new Swen virus (formerly known as W32.Gibe). Our university mail-server doesn't yet cut out the offending attachments so I received around 200 mails this night, each around 140K in size. :-(
I have now stopped fetchmail and set up a little script employing Mail::POP3Client
that rigidly deletes anything looking like spam and Swen on the server. I've stopped worrying about false positives for now.
Swen-infected machines increment a webcounter. Hit "reload" occasionally and see the number increase.
Re:POP3 chainsaw
ethan on 2003-09-19T10:39:43
Yup, can do. The raw version follows.
Right now I switched to manual mode. If you modify the outcommented if-conditions a little to suit your specific flavour of mails, you could run it asyes | killmail USER PASS
If these mails continue to exist tomorrow, I'll refine the script and let it run as cronjob. I am sick of the current situation. I hope the mail-server admins quickly come up with a server-side solution.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Mail::POP3Client;
my ($user, $pass) = @ARGV;
my $pop = Mail::POP3Client->new(
USER => $user,
PASSWORD => $pass,
HOST => 'mailbox.rwth-aachen.de',
print "Num message: ", $pop->Count, "\n";
for my $i (1.. $pop->Count) {
my @head = $pop->Head($i);
my %split;
for (@head) {
my ($f, $d) = split/: /, $_, 2;
$split{ $f } = $d;
# if ($split{ From } =~/Microsoft/i or
# $split{ From } =~/\bMS\b/ or
# $split{ Subject } =~/SPAM/) {
print $split{ Subject } || "<none>", "\n";
print "Delete (y/n)?";
chomp (my $input = <STDIN>);
$pop->Delete($i) if "yes" =~/$input/;
print "\n";
# }
sleep 60;
goto REDO;
Re:POP3 chainsaw
bart on 2003-09-21T19:12:19
May I point (again) to the script I posted on Perlmonks earlier today? Based on a different POP3 module (Net::POP3) and rather different in check rule: it checks for a MIME section that has the file name of a Windows executable. my scriptRe:POP3 chainsaw
ethan on 2003-09-21T20:25:50
That would have saved me some trouble if I had known it earlier. Right now the worst seems to be survived. I still receive around a hundred of these mails per hour, but my university's mailserver rips off the attachment so the mails' size has shrunken to a tolerable size. That means that I can't check the MIME section any longer either.
I eventually solved it with a few procmail rules. The To: line of these mails always consists of words chosen randomly from a set of nine words. So I just have to check for these words to filter them out reliably.Re:POP3 chainsaw
nicholas on 2003-09-19T13:58:58
Curious. I've not got that many of these (yet)(about 60), but I did recieve a lot of sobig crap (150100 to
to date, and another 100M or so before I started filtering)