month: Plot.
Initially I thought the author simply didn't write the PODs etc for the module. But no, he simply uploaded a bare stub as created by h2xs. I wonder whether this happened because he used some sort of upload-script for the PAUSE and hitted TAB a little too vigorously.
to my chagrin i must admit to being the author of this module
extenuating circumstances; i was in a rush to catch the last train home after a hacksesh, and wanted to upload SVG::Plot to slot in with kake's dependencies (cf CGI::Wiki and OpenGuides).
it being a while since the last (and first) time i put a module on CPAN, i'm not overfamiliar with h2xs or make dist and make tar-dist.
to my further chagrin this morning, i realised i'd not only put the module in the wrong namespace, but hadn't actually included the code. Kake showed me the way and the light, for which i am deeply grateful; there've been two more point releases since then.
An edge case quite this inane and dubious is pretty difficult to account for in any sensible automated module-checking, but perhaps my slightly intoxicated stupidity has provided some food for thought
i hope this has caused more amusement than it has consternation and despair, anyway.
Re:Plot of Shame
ethan on 2003-05-12T05:59:09
i hope this has caused more amusement than it has consternation and despair, anyway.
It's not a big deal really. Since I am very much afraid of upload-mistakes myself I double- and triple-check the tarballs that leave my computer. And not even that can prevent some silly but unpleasant errors. My favourite one is forgetting to increase$VERSION
.Auto-increasing $VERSION
mhx on 2003-05-13T11:52:54
My favourite one is forgetting to increase $VERSION.Mine too. But if you're using some sort of revision control system, you can simply do something like
$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 3.14 $, 10;which it's done in a lot of modules or
($VERSION) = '$Revision: 3.14 $ ' =~/\$Revision:\s+([^\s]+)/; as suggested by ExtUtils::MakeMaker.