Saturday didn't happen. Honest. ;-)
I did go to Oktoberfest though, the party split with some jumping in a cab and Barbie & friend, Andy Wilson and I going one stop on the U-Bahn. No problem, thought I, we'll meet them there.
No one had explained how utterly, utterly huge Oktoberfest is. I have never seen so many people so drunk in one place ever. And this from a memeber of ! Needless to say, we didn't find the others but I did have a go on the rollercoaster. It was awesome, even after drinking for most of the day. Sometimes, though, I really wish I didn't wear glasses (I don't get on with contacts) as it sort of spoils the fun when everything is even more blurred than usual. Next year I might actually have to make a special trip to sample Oktoberfest properly.
Sunday dawned bright and early for me as I made my way to the airport at 7am. Somehow I had managed to book an earlier flight than all the other'ers but in a way that was good as I really was too tired and jaded to talk this morning.
Now I'm back at home and pondering what I learned from YAPC.
and Test::More
look very useful and will feature in future projects.