
educated_foo on 2009-05-01T17:17:09

Was that a network error, a user error, or did something I posted just get disappeared?

It happens every so often :-(

Ron Savage on 2009-05-01T23:49:14


And that's part of why people are abandoning use.perl.

The trouble is, this leads to fragmentation of blogs, and hence much greater effort in keeping track of interesting posters.

What's needed is an automated way of such people posting a link on use.perl to point to the good stuff.

Perhaps such a mechanism exists already....


Re:It happens every so often :-(

educated_foo on 2009-05-02T00:12:43

And that's part of why people are abandoning use.perl.

Irony, thy name is... Hilariously, the shorter version of my lost post is basically "use.perl sucks, but people seem to do even worse when they try to set up their own blogs." If I wrote or commented more than about once a week on average, I'd go elsewhere. That said, Perl Monks seems more reliable -- maybe someone high-ranking there can add a blog feature.

Re:It happens every so often :-(

slanning on 2009-05-03T17:31:07

that's part of why people are abandoning use.perl.

Oh noes, use.perl is dying!

Maybe they're claiming to abandon use.perl because they want more attention. Goodbye, cruel blog! But is it the quantity or the quality of the attention that counts?

Re:It happens every so often :-(

mw487 on 2010-02-23T11:09:03

The quality. Why do you ask?