Signs that you need a vacation

dws on 2005-07-08T21:39:50

When the alarm went off this morning, I went into a waking dream where a pleasant female voice was reading CVS checkin comments in place of the morning news.


n1vux on 2005-07-11T22:20:24

Definitely. When I start dreaming about source-control tools or debuggers, it's time for a vacation. Dreaming sourcecode by itself isn't necessarily a problem ... unless it's Java.

Vacation clues ... and module morning news

n1vux on 2005-11-04T18:40:49

Yes, the debugger dream is a real vacation clue. Or configuring a Java app-server. If you had the $BigCorp source control tool we use at $DayJob, you'd likely consider nightmares involving that to be a vacation clue too.

The pleasant voice reading the CVS checkin comments should be implementable with modern Text-to-speech tools and Pod-casting infrastructure.