Fighting back chaos, one shelf at a time

dws on 2005-04-23T18:54:33

The project to make my study livable has been growing ever more complex, with simplification just over the horizon. The floor is still stacked with stuff that needs organizing, though it's now in plastic tubs. Shelves have been acquired, and will get bolted to the wall as soon as I can pull the desk back. (And the desk will go on 1" risers when it gets pushed back forward.) This provides the opportunity to rewires the rat's nest behind the desk, or at least use cable ties to contain the mess.

Getting momentum on this project has been hard. It's been easier to just learn to live with the mess. One driver has been getting rid of old tower computers and big monitors, replacing them with a cute little mini-itx and mATX systems that share a flat panel monitor. That freed up space, creating a much-needed small win in the fight, and clearing a path for the next round.