This weekend I bought a bunch of mid-sized plastic tubs from the local storage place, and went on a cleaning binge in my study. Amoung the random things uncovered were the receipts for the 300Mhz Celeron box I built in '99 "to carry me into the next century". The receipt noted $190 USD for an 8Gb Maxtor drive. Last week I picked up 160Gb for $60. That's ~$25/Gb to <$0.50/Gb in 6 years. Not bad.
The plastic tubs are clear, so it'll be easier to find stuff in the closet. So far I have one tub filled with power strips and cords, and another full of Cat5 and phone lines. I suspect I'll never need most of 'em. The SCSI cables went into the give-way pile.
Re:almost ditto
dws on 2005-02-07T03:37:25
Getting my servers and printers (and the big UPS) on a semi-industrical wheeled metal rack was a good move. There's enough room under it for cables and such, and getting the boxes off of the floor keeps them from filling up with dog hair quite as fast.