Language Wars redux(n+1)

dws on 2004-07-03T17:39:43

Friendster has switched from Java to PHP, with flamage following. Why PHP Scales - A Cranky, Snarky Answer is surprisingly level-headed, and more language neutral than the response's title suggests. Both are worth skimming; the first to set up the all-too-familar pattern of "If you couldn't make X work with my favorite technology, then you're no good," "Yes we are, we had experts," "No you aren't/your experts are not good," blah blah blah; the second for a bit sanity.

More Bad Computer Words

chromatic on 2004-07-03T18:01:58

The phrase "not scalable" is quickly becoming a lame argument against a programming language in the way that "unintuitive" is a lame argument against a windowing system. It usually means absolutely nothing and betrays a smug sense of self-satisfaction that really ought to stay private.

I miss the days when people argued against indenting because fewer tokens meant faster compiles. Now it's slightly less obvious which people never to take seriously again.

Jack Herrington's take

djberg96 on 2004-07-03T19:00:05

Jack Herrington had his own opinion on the matter back in November.

I agree with George's assessment. The bottlenecks are never the language - it's the SQL, or the algorithm, or the network.