I got to do Pair Programming in Perl as part of a job interview yesterday, doing a small test-driven development exercise. Moments of terror (and using a strange keyboard) aside, it was fun, and I picked up a couple of useful keyboard/mouse shortcuts. The osmotic spread of little workflow tricks is one of the neat side-effects of Pairing. Such stuff is invisible by the time you get to a formal code review.
dws on 2003-03-26T01:46:32
As it turned out, a few of the shortcuts were window-manager specific (for a window manager I'm not running at home). They were basically - and -- shortcuts for switching windows and workspaces quickly. I've tended to reach for the mouse, but the keyboard is much quicker.I'm still trying to replicate the vim mouse trick, which involved pasting selected code via chording (right- plus left-click) the mouse.