Before I'm done, I will convince this bloody LinkSys (1.x) WAP11 to send SNMP traps when stations associate. I want to track if/when neighbors or drive-bys are using my access point, and to achieve minimal competency with SNMP.
Getting this far has been an education. SNMP is a subculture that I've only crossed paths with once before. It's kind of like peeling back a floorboard and discovering a new set of wires. What are they? Where do they go? What happens when I...
The IEEE 802.11 specs specify a MIB (Management Information Block) for 802.11 devices, but not traps, which seem to be vendor-specific. And googling for info suggests that the LinkSys SNMP implementation is... kinky. Browsing Net::SNMP has been educational. I'm using it now to test whether my RH8 home server box can actually receive and process traps.
Any pointers will be appreciated.