Garden Progress

dug on 2005-11-11T19:44:26

Much garden progress was made in the past week. I've written before about how I love the Sawzall. This time I used it to take out the diseased yet rapidly spreading elm tree in the front yard. I don't think my father (who was a logger for 20 years) would approve of my method, but hey, the tree came down and nobody got hurt.

Of course, given that I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, there was a queue of granola eating, patchouli smelling, white kids with dreadlocks asking, "Hey brother, what happened to the tree?" What the *&#@ does it look like? Today the replacement tree arrived, and planted in place of the nasty removed tree is a beautiful (well, soon to be beautiful) yellow magnolia.

I also planted two Chinese climbing hydrangeas. Hopefully these will soon take over the street side fence, providing a buffer in the yard from the foot traffic.

In Gadgets news, after two weeks of frustrating and crippling multiple hardware failures I'm back in business and writing code. First up was enhanced email configurability, and now I'm on to enhancing the tag searching API. It's nice to be back in the saddle.

-- Douglas Hunter