In time for fall lettuce?

dug on 2005-09-05T02:54:15

The previous owners of my house, in their infinite wisdom, decided that the front yard (which is quite a commodity in Brookly, NY) would be nicest as a slab of 7 inch (18 cm) thick concrete. This spring I rented a concrete saw and a jackhammer and my brother, a friend and I filled a 20 cubic yard dumpster with the concrete we hauled out.

The soil test that I used to examine our dirt showed that we had exactly dick in the dust to feed plants with. We ordered 20 cubic yards of organic topsoil and compost mix, which we just turned into the existing dirt using this Mantis tiller.

I'm impressed with the tiller. It's a beast of a tool, and now we're ready to plant. I just hope that when seeds go in the ground tomorrow that we have 60 or so days until the first hard frost, as I'd love to eat greens and squash out of the garden before next year.

-- Douglas Hunter