Modules uploaded

drhyde on 2003-11-17T09:29:25

This weekend I uploaded two modules to the CPAN. Sub::WrapPackages is pretty much a wrapper around The Damian's Hook::LexWrap. It makes it easy to put pre- and post-execution wrappers around all the subroutines in a package. I wrote it because I wanted to log the input parameters and the resulting return values from all the methods in a bunch of classes. And it does that very nicely.

More importantly, I finally released an update to Statistics::ChiSquare, which I took over maintenance of from Jon Orwant last month. The only change you'll notice so far is that it has a larger table of values in it so can cope with bigger collections of data. More enhancements are on the way (like dealing with uneven distributions, and removing the arbitrary limit on the degrees of freedom) but right now that's my itch scratched.

I'll be talking about Statistics::ChiSquare at the London Perl Mongers tech meet on the 27th.