Yo, we're back with another summary from Catalyst-land, the channel that newer sleeps.
Just after yesterday's summary, SRI released some more of Chansen's secret plugin stash :) This time it's cache modules, respectively using FastMmap,FileCache and Memcached.
Not long after, The Jester released Chansen's Catalyst::Model::CDBI::Plain. Is it just me, or does Christian Hansen need a PAUSE account? :)Sri kept it up through the day with Catalyst::Plugin::Compress::Zlib and Catalyst::Plugin::Compress::Bzip2 which relieves you of the need for mod_gzip. This also seems to be the first deflate support on CPAN. (Feel free to correct us if we're wrong :).
00:02 <@chansen> Draven: I use it like this: 'use Catalyst qw[Compress::Gzip Compress::Deflate Compress::Bzip2];'
Sri has also released views for the popular Petal and HTML::Template template modules, doubling the number of template systems supported. :)
While on the subject of views, the Mason view was also updated to handle some changes for Catalyst 5. In addition, AndyG released a new LDAP Authentication module. To finished it up, Sri released a updated Module::Pluggable::Fast, adding a "require" option, to avoid importing modules.
Chansen has been a very busy boy. He's also hooked Catalyst up to POE, so a new engine will be coming pretty soon. This gives us some perverse possibilities :)
Gabb is back! After a week vacationing with the Croatian babes, he's returned to Germany's hard reality and sucky weather. Naturally we flood him with requests as soon as he arrive, and among other things, he's started to HTMLify the layout for the new Catalyst site. Guess that means we'll see something more interesting online soon. Promises has been made...