Catalyst summary for 2005/04/27.

draven on 2005-04-26T23:39:46

Short and to the point:

  • $CPAN/authors/id/M/MR/MRAMBERG/Catalyst-Plugin-Observe-0.01.tar.gz - Let your observe events in the catalyst request cycle.
  • $CPAN/authors/id/M/MR/MRAMBERG/Catalyst-Plugin-Browser-0.01.tar.gz - Wraps BrowserDetect and lets you easily access the User Agent from req.
  • $CPAN/authors/id/M/MR/MRAMBERG/Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-0.1.tar.gz - Make Catalyst unicode aware
23:16 <@sri> and i've been a damn little snake can keep me away from the cpan topten :)
23:18 <@sri> now, it;s getting really funky...all warm and cold...
  • article about catalyst accepted, coming soon.
ps: :p

Browser &amp; Observe

ajtaylor on 2005-04-27T18:55:09

I think you mixed up the descriptions for the Browser & Observe plugins. :-)

Re:Browser &amp; Observe

draven on 2005-04-28T06:59:53

Uh yeah. Fixed, thanks for the spot. Maybe I should start writing these damn things in the morning rather than in the evening? :)