Callbacks done, weird 64bit libffi issue?

doubi on 2010-07-16T04:30:10

The week has been frustrating, funny, yet ultimately fruitful.

Research, enhancing C function signatures

I had callbacks to Perl almost working at the start of the week, but couldn't seem to get variables updated 'in place'. The example function I was using to test callbacks, the C standard qsort, takes as its arguments a pointer to an array, the number of items in the array, the size in bytes of one item, and a reference to a function which will be passed two items from the array at a time and decide how to sort them. It returns void, and the original array ends up sorted.

I had the arguments passing to Perl and returning all right, but couldn't see how to update the array itself, so I spent a long time reading the C source for Python's ctypes to try and figure where or how it did so. I learned a lot, about Python internals in general and about its ctypes implementation.

Python's calling interface for ctypes is much more complex than what I've made so far, and is summarized here [0]. One of the things this allows is use of paramflags tuples when creating functions. These describe the parameters, allowing assigning names and default values to parameters of a C function, as well as marking them as 'output' parameters, so functions like qsort can be made to return the reordered array, which is much more intuitive behaviour, for Python or Perl.

Despite reading for a few days I couldn't quite figure the answer to how arguments were updated in place. I was about to start a root-and-branch reworking of Ctypes::_call to match the Python equivalent and hope the answer became apparent in the process. Before doing so though, I went back and tinkered with my own callbacks work a bit more, and got it working! Working, that is, until trying to destroy a Ctypes::Callback object.

64bit oddness

All tests in callbacks.t were passing, but make test was still reporting a FAIL, resulting in a failure of ffi_closure_free. For a while I thought the callback data object had been corrupted somehow between being created and DESTROY being called, but going back to the creation of the closure, I noticed some funky weirdness:

457         if((status = ffi_prep_cif
466         if((status = ffi_prep_closure_loc
(gdb) p *cb_data->cif
$5 = {abi = FFI_SYSV, nargs = 2, arg_types = 0xb18df0, 
    rtype = 0x7ffff695f490, bytes = 0, flags = 10}
(gdb) p *closure
$6 = {tramp = '\000' , cif = 0x0, fun = 0, user_data = 0x0}
(gdb) n
473         cb_data->sig = sig;
(gdb) p *closure
$7 = {tramp = "I\273\036\362\225\366\377\177\000\000I\272\020",
    cif = 0xe3ff49f800007fff, fun = 0xb18dc0, user_data = 0x7ffff6b631d2}
(gdb) p cb_data->cif
$8 = (ffi_cif *) 0xb18dc0
(gdb) p *closure->cif
Cannot access memory at address 0xe3ff49f800007fff

Hm. A little later while stepping through ffi_prep_closure_loc [1], I noticed this line:

511       tramp[11] = 0xe3ff;                   /* jmp *%r11    */

Hm! Looks as if that data is being written over into the next field of the ffi_closure struct, the pointer to ffi_cif. tramp is defined as char tramp[FFI_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE] in ffi.h. From that, the relevant part of ffitarget.h would seem to be:

#if defined (X86_64) || (defined (__x86_64__) && defined (X86_DARWIN))
#ifdef X86_WIN32
#ifdef X86_WIN64
#define FFI_NO_RAW_API 1

I was developing under 64bit Linux. It's clear that for some reason the ffi_closure struct was formed with a trampoline size of 13, despite that looking at the above I'd have thought it should have been 24. But regardless, writing to tramp[11] should have been ok, right? The only other clue I could find was further up ffi_prep_closure_loc, where tramp is defined as a pointer to unsigned short (2 bytes) whereas the tramp field of the ffi_closure object is an array of 1 byte chars. I don't know enough about how libffi works to guess if this is an oversight - probably not, as changing it to char results in an Illegal Instruction when qsort calls the closure.

You can haz Callbacks

In any case, the issue doesn't arise on 32bit Linux or WinXP, so I shall enquire on the libffi mailing list and meanwhile get on with my life (of code). As you can see in the callbacks test script [2], you can now make a callback like this:

my $cb = Ctypes::Callback->new( \&cb_func, 'i', 'ii' );

and using it goes something like this:

$qsort->(\$arg, $#array+1, Ctypes::sizeof('i'), $cb->ptr);

Note the reference to $arg in this example. If you don't want $arg to be changed, use Perl's regular pass-by-value operation.

Having got a better understanding of what paramflags provide and how they work, I definitely want to add their functionality. In implementing the next item on the agenda (Type objects) I'll have to revamp a lot of the API anyway and have the specification of argument types done via lists rather than strings (to allow saying 'i' or 'c_int'), so it'll be worth looking at whether I shouldn't incorporate the paramflags thing while I'm working on that. Although maybe that'd be a bit much to do all at once.

Can't wait to get on to Array objects. They might be a bit tricky, with having to keep track of which sub-objects belong to which array and maybe sharing the same memory and such (depending on what the details of the Py implementation are), but it'll be really cool not to have to pack / unpack arrays by hand anymore.

  1. Function objects (Done)
  2. Library objects (Done)
  3. Callbacks (Done)
  4. Type objects
  5. Pointers (check they work)
  6. Structs / unions
  7. paramflags
  8. Constants
  9. Special library defaults for Strawberry Perl (request from kthakore / SDL)
  10. Thread safety
  11. Header inspection
  12. Setup scripts (auto-generation of wrapper modules from headers)
