Ready, Set... damn.

doubi on 2009-05-28T19:30:27

Last Saturday, being the 23rd of May, marked the start of the real live coding phase of the Google Summer of Code programme. Around the world, hundreds of student coders are getting stuck into their projects, bringing heaps of libré software love to the world.

Apart from me though. Unfortunately, the final two exams of my university career are glowering at me from just beyond the coming weekend. I dunno if North American uni's tend to finish earlier for the summer, but I'm sure there are other participants in the world with lose ends to tie up before being able to dive into their projects properly. I've calculated that despite losing this week and a half, plus a conference I'm presenting at, my graduation and a pre-booked excursion all coming up later, I'll be able to make up the time for the project by working weekends. No-one's gonna be short-changed ;-)

In other news, I noticed that the use of (wx)WebKit is being discussed #padre in the image linked from Alias's latest journal entry. When Gabor Szabo originally asked me to add Padre integration to my deliverables, it seemed like it would just be 'a nice thing to have' - bit of a surprise to see other folk discussing it! Helps fuel the fire though :-)

As much as I'd like to go with the excitement and get started, the only thing I'll be hacking on for the next six days is Japanese vocab.

See you on the other side...