As we all know, perltidy is a very cool and powerful tool, and I love it. But there's one thing I cannot get it to do, which is best explained as code...
I would like to get this as a result:
$self->do_something( $c, { rs => $c->model('DB::Foo')->search( { bar => 'baz' } ), fluxcompensator => '1.21 jigowatts', });
Specifically, I want the ( $c, {
on the same line and the contents of the hash only indented on level deeper.
I played around with a lot of settings, but could only get this:
$self->do_something( $c, { rs => $c->model('DB::Foo')->search( { bar => 'baz' } ), fluxcompensator => '1.21 jigowatts' });
--stack-opening-tokens --stack-closing-tokens --opening-brace-always-on-right --opening-token-right
I also tried --line-up-parentheses like this (additional to the above options):
--line-up-parentheses --closing-token-indentation=0 --vertical-tightness=2with this result:
$self->do_something( $c, { rs => $c->model('DB::Foo')->search( { bar => 'baz' } ), fluxcompensator => '1.21 jigowatts' } );
Now the $c and { line up, but I do not like the fact that rs=> etc is indented that much.
So, dear lazyweb: What's the right perltidy setting? Or does perltidy simply not support my favourite coding style?