funds Patrick R. Michaud one Rakudo-Day a week

domm on 2009-06-09T06:36:31 is proud to announce that we will fund Patrick R. Michaud to work one day a week (or ~4 days a month) on Rakudo Perl. Like Jonathan Worthington, Patrick will receive 150 Euro per 8-hour day starting from now until the end of 2009.

Patrick is being funded through the Ian Hague grant for some of his Rakudo Perl work, but that grant is really focused on building large-scale components needed for Perl 6 development (such as the parser and regex/grammar engine, which are multi-week tasks). As the Rakudo Perl 6 pumpking, Patrick finds himself doing lots of smaller 1-or-2-day tasks that are high profile and critical for Rakudo development, but for which it's difficult to obtain any sort of funding or support. Until now...

Patrick promised to blog about his Rakudo days, and we're looking forward to see all the good stuff he's going to create.

We would like to thank all Sponsors and participants of YAPC::Europe 2007 in Vienna, who made it possible for us to fund this and other projects.

Thomas Klausner,
on behalf of

PS: A Perl 5 related grant will be announced shortly

gret news

sir_lichtkind on 2009-06-09T11:11:41

but didn't come the mail I send you through the spam filter?

I got your mail but...

domm on 2009-06-09T19:01:39

I'm not a very big fan of travel grants or the Send-a-Newbie project. Therefore I didn't reply to your mail (from May, 5th), which was not very friendly or professional. Sorry.

Anyway, we ( discussed the whole send-a-newbie project and in the end decided to not support it (by donating money). But we have put some money aside for a "local" send-a-newbie-ish project, but I'm not really involved in the organisation of it. Even though I doubt that the person you suggested will be eligible, you (or he/she) can submit a "proposal" as soon as Jozef and Lars decided on the procedure.

Re:I got your mail but...

jozef on 2009-06-10T11:21:56

we cammed up with:

  • This should be your first YAPC conference, besides YAPC::EU::2007
  • YAPC::EU::2009 is your nearest YAPC.
  • You need financial help to attend (someone from the|| stand bail for you)
  • Will present "what I've seen on YAPC::EU::2009" on next pm meeting
  • You should be able to speak English (to understand the talks).

Re:I got your mail but...

sir_lichtkind on 2009-06-10T22:25:22

Thank you josef but i don't understand what you mean fully.

domm: i think you misunderstood me. i also not largest fan of send a newbee, but in this case he isnt a newbee but lead developer of an important perl 6 project (which rakudo already took advantage of) that not gets enough attention, which could be fixed if we help him to fly fom south america to YAPC.