Goodbye VeriSign

domm on 2007-12-18T11:16:04

Last Thursday (which was also barbs birthday) was my last day at VeriSign after working there for nearly two years. While I was quite sad to leave my very nice colleagues (some of which are regulars of, so I'll see them again) and some nice code I wrote behind, I'm also happy to not longer work for a big US company with all the marketing buzzwords, overhead and horrid Microsoft/Java/Oracle slowness.

On my last day we did a short internal development workshop where I gave a short presentation on Advanced Module::Build. After my talk (which was the last), Pepl (in the name of my colleagues) handed my a very nice present: a Manner-backpack full of Manner Schnitten - Yum!

In the evening there was a small party in my honor with ~150 people, lasting until 8:00 in the morning (I was told, as I left at 3:00) - ok, actually it was the company christmas party, but it sure was a nice way to say goodbye...

My new job will start in Jannuary, so I now have some extra-long christmas holidays. Nice! Oh, and my new job will be even nicer, as I'm going to work together with Maros & Koki (whom you might know as some of the orgas of YAPC::Europe 2007).

Some other news: Today I presented the website with a favicon.ico. It's just a Perl Onion, but better than nothing...