During YAPC::Europe in Birmingham I did a (rather short and un-hackish) hackathon. Slides are available here.
I added a few new metrics:
- manifest_matches_dist
Check if the stuff listed in MANIFEST matches what's in the dist
- buildtool_not_executable
Check if the buildtool (Makefile.PL, Build.PL) are not executable
(and thus need to be called with 'perl Build.PL' thereby specifying
which exact version of Perl you want)
- has_example
An optional metric that checks if the author included a dir called
'eg|ex|example(s?)' which in turn includes at least on *.pl
This resulted in quite some movement in the CPANTS game...
I've also changed the display of the author pages,
optional metrics (is_prereq and has_example) are now visually seperated
from the core metrics.
The site http://cpants.perl.org is still not very stable due to a
Catalyst/DBIx::Class-Bug (or more likely a bug in my usage of them).
Oh, and if you want to join the fun and help a bit, here's a (probably
incomplete) list of tasks:
- Metrics:
- has_license
- no_boilerplate
- has_valid_filenames
- declares_dependencies
- no_open_bugs
- Signature checking ?
- has_rating ?
- relation of subs to lines of code ?
- Scripts
- Generate a SQLite DB dump from the postgres DB
- Catalyst Frontend
- sqash bug
- Split up dist/view into several sub-pages
- API / Webservice
Just my 0.02
jk2addict on 2006-09-06T11:59:24
But you should also add 'demo' and 'demos' to the list of examples directories.
Re:Just my 0.02
jk2addict on 2006-09-06T12:02:46
For that matter, I'm not so sure about the 'at least one *.pl requirement'. It may very well be a non-perl demo, aka site code like .xsp ot .tt pages that requires no pl file; but they're examples non the less.
Yes, I'm biased, and that .pl file is going away now that I'm using DBIC. :-)
Re:Just my 0.02
bart on 2006-09-07T13:23:42
And "samples".
ChrisDolan on 2006-09-06T15:00:50
Some ideas:
1) Document/discuss possible future metrics on the
Perl-QA wiki2) For each metric, document the aspect of Quality that is being judged and how the Kwalitee metric is a good proxy for it, and/or possible other proxies. For example, consider the software goal of "Good documentation". Currently that metric follows the following chain of proxy metrics:
Good documentation => 100% POD coverage => has t/.*pod.*coverage.* file
A better proxy might be for CPANTS to run Pod::Coverage itself, thus:
Good documentation => 100% POD coverage => passes Test::Pod::Coverage
Another possibility (not a good one, just an example):
Good documentation => cpanratings.org ratings of docs
And we don't have to choose just one. As I argued on the Perl-QA list, the more metrics the better. More metrics makes CPANTS harder to gain, and lets us apply weights to the metrics we like best.
3) Other possible metrics:
* is_ascii_or_unicode - avoid Latin-1, Shift-JIS, etc in code
* consistent_newlines - proposed by Adam Kennedy on Perl-QA in April
* has_synopsis - usage examples in POD (David Golden, in March on Perl-QA)
* does_synopsis_compile - this is a sketchy one
* has_meta_yml_license - check for a META.yml field named "license"
4) Some of the Perl::Critic policies might be universal enough to be CPANTS metrics
jk2addict on 2006-09-06T19:01:59
consistent_newlines - proposed by Adam Kennedy on Perl-QA in April
Was that consistent newlines per file, or per dist?
Some dists have legit reason to have some files native line endings and some files w/ non-0native line endings. I've done it in Handel. Some things just don't work in windows unless the file has *nix line endings, like __DATA__ vs. __END__ in some situations.
ChrisDolan on 2006-09-07T04:04:27
Per file. That's important to prevent Module::Signature breakage.