The CPANTS hackathon was semi-cancled due to wireless problems. I did a short presentation on CPANTS internals and we had a discussion on some metrics and other stuff to do. I wasn't too disappointed about that, because I got to see Mark Overmeers and Sam Vilains Talk on CPAN6. Which was very interesting. I finally understand what they are proposing, even though it's going to be hard work to implement and there's going to be quite a lot of discussion.
In the evening there was the conference dinner. Which was loads of fun. I was sitting on a table with 9 other people from ten different countries:
.at domm .de Wolfgang .dk Jonasb .es/.br Champs .fr BooK .hr drone .it dakkar .nl markov .nz mugwump .pt Ambs .uk Jonathan .us OvidWe where taking turns in queueing for food, so from time to time somebody would come up with two plates of food, which we passed around everybody taking a bite or two (using his own fork...). Other people went for beer / strange blue stuff (which I was drinking, as the venue didn't serve any cider). It was very well organised (out of chaos).
We also had the ususal language comparision chatter, and I got some laughter by the fact that German allows you to stack nouns to create new nouns. Take for example this word (which also is a fun word for the game "hangman") (I add some in-word capitalisation (CamelCase) so you can see where words begin): DonauDampfSchifffahrtsGesellschaftsKapitaensMuetzenKastlSchluesselAnhanger which means "Keychain of the Key of the Locker of the Hat of the Captain of a boat by the Boating Company running Steamboats on the Danube". This of course is a bit of an contrived example, but it's quite usual to stack two to four words, which you have to parse right-to-left.
Oh, and we exchanged curses, did a sorting dance, and discussed driving laws (no speed limit on (some) .de Autobahnen, ...)
Back at the hotel (at ~23;30) we started to play 'Campaing Secrets', a card game themed on US presidential elections. Until ~2.30. I'm a tiny bit tired now...