As I constantly forget how to do this (and as our $work firewall doesn't allow access to my svn repo running at port 1000 (don't ask!), I (mis)use this to remind myself:
ssh -l domm -L 8888:TARGET_HOST:1000 TARGET_HOST
To connect to TARGET_HOST:1000 via localhost:8888
ssh -L 3128:localhost:3128 me@my.home.server
This is what shell aliases are for. I solved that problem once, then automated it away.
Re:Who Has Time To Remember?
domm on 2006-08-04T15:33:02
good idea. done.
Along similar lines to chromatic's suggestion of using a shell alias, if you're running a GNOME desktop (and all the cool kids seem to be these days) then you could use my SSHMenu to define SSH connections using a GUI.
Also, if you have SSH access to the box where the SVN repository lives, then you don't need to have an SVN server listening on a port and you don't need forwarding either. Just use svnserve over ssh.